Custom Domains

Subdomain support

Once a project is imported under Read the Docs, by default it’s hosted under a subdomain on one of our domains. If you need a custom domain, continue on custom domain setup.

Custom domains

Projects can also be hosted under a custom domain. If you’d prefer to use your own domain name instead of our default hosting domain, you can still host with us.

We require two steps from your side:

  • Add a CNAME record in your DNS that points to our servers <organization-slug>
  • Set your project’s Privacy Level to Public from Admin > Advance Settings.
  • Add a Domain in the Admin > Domains page for your project.


The domain that should be used is the actual subdomain that you want your docs served on. Generally it will be

Custom domain SSL

We do support SSL for CNAMEs on our side. Please, contact our support team to setup it.


SSL is required for private projects.